Thursday, May 10, 2012


St. James Winery

St. James Winery, St. James, MO......found this place last year and stopped to replenish our supply this year. Some good wines....


Monday, May 07, 2012

Today we got to Branson, MO....."America's Best Campground".......We simply pulled in, hooked up, and have enjoyed a quiet evening. I am enjoying Crown and Coke... Duchess is having the same. Tomorrow, St. James Winery and off to S. Illinois.....Terre Haute, IN and friends Dick and Norma.....

We were told 60% chance of Thunderstorms today on the road and in Branson. All I got was enough rain to make the Roadhouse a bit dirty.... Duke


Travel today....Texarkana to Branson, MO.

These places are neat as we buy fuel there....get 3 cenyts off per gallon, and stay here free. Had to run generator/AC, but that is not bad as we use about 5 gallons of fuel for whole night. Then off to Branson.



Lovely night and great food....the fellow who seated us and then entertained us had the deepest voice I have heard (minus one fellow in Branson, MO...) Great memories with Daughter Teri and kids.son-in-law.... Duke
