Sunday, May 17, 2009


The Pacific - 2nd View

Hoquaim, WA to PortLand, OR - May15th.

The drive today was around the West side of lower Washington. Partially in mountains, some along the Pacific Ocean, and as seen in the post a rain forest. Here was our first look at the ocean and the beauty of our West Coast.
Another view, showing the flotsam thrown ashore by winter storms, and also the flow of a creek into the ocean.
The scope and size of things we've seen on this trip remains quite difficult to display. Perhaps this picture will help. Duchess is standing at the base of the tall fir, as indicated by the small white heart I placed in the picture. Again, to fully see the size of this tree, click on the picture.
Duke himself poses beside the stump of a huge cyprus. One can imagine the height of this tree when it stood.
The drive....
Every day remains breathtaking in the many, many things we have seen.

On to Portland and friends!


That is absolutely spectacular!
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